
This book is designed to give a clear introduction to particle physics at a level that will be accessible to advanced undergraduate students.

Particle physics is a rapidly developing field and we expect many new and interesting results to become available, that were not available at the time of writing this textbook. Very good up to date reviews of particle physics, are avaiable from the Particle Data Group. For a complete list of publications by some of the major particle physics collaborations, please see the New Results tab.

There will inevitably be mistakes in a book of this length and we will keep an up to date list of corrections on the Errata tab. If you find a possible mistake, please let us know by sending an email to Tony Weidberg. There will be other places in the book in which the text is not actually wrong but it might be confusing to some readers. Please also send us any suggestions as to how to improve the clarity for any such issues.